Friday, August 28, 2009


"The question we pose to our fellow bloggers for the first installment of the CKIAGFEBBC is, 'What is the thing you hate/dislike most about the player run corporation you are in.'"

That is the question that this blog post shall answer so that I can enter the CrazyKinux Is a Giant Faggot EVE Blog Banter Contest #1 and win a damn beer mug from the Clownpunchers.

I am in Clownpunchers. BOZO is, of course, the most awesome corp in the EVE universe. Clearly I do not need to elaborate on that since by viewing this blog you agree to agree with that opinion. I do, however, have one wee little point of irritation with my fabulous corp.

The thing I hate most about my corp is that it is impossible to log in for 5 minutes to change a skill, check on a contract, or make a shopping list and then log off. If I log on for just a minute, several hours later I will still be logged in to EVE either running around in space shooting at stuff or just hanging out on Ventrilo trading stories with the guys. BOZOs are just too much fun to leave quickly.

That is all I have to say on this subject.

List of participants:

  • Diary of a Space Jockey - I really like you but…
  • Musing on Utter Crap - I usually hate Clowns…
  • Life in Lowsec - Why I hate Hellcats
  • Zen and the Art of Internet Spaceship Maintenance - Pick a damn lane and drive in it!
  • The Reckless Rifter - The Fast-Track to Roles Removed
  • 1 comment:

    1. Oh it's on now! I challenge you to a Blog-Off!
